Boom! an updated version of Gridzbi Spudvetch, author and illustrator, David Fickling Books, 2010
Boom! an updated version of Gridzbi Spudvetch, author and illustrator, David Fickling Books, 2010
Coming Down the Mountain single drama, starring Tommy Jessop and Nick Hoult, directed by Julie Anne Robinson, BBC 2, 2007, BAFTA nomination 2008; winner of the RADAR People of the Year Human Rights Media AWARD 2008
Polar Bears directed by Jamie Lloyd, starring Jodie May, Richard Coyle, Celia Imrie, Paul Hilton, David Leon, Skye Bennett and Alice Sykes, Donmar Warehouse, 2010; text published by Methuen, 2010. “’And I promise. I will carry on loving you when the lights go out. I will.’ One woman’s struggle to hang onto her sanity and the effect this has on those who love her.”
The Talking Horse and the Sad Girl and the Village Under the Sea Picador, 2005. “Here are bittersweet love-songs, comic set-pieces, lullabies, lucid and bold new version of Horace, wry postmodern shenanigans (including a note from the official board of censors on ’18 Certificate’ poetry), and an entire john Buchan novel condensed to five pages.”
The Porpoise Chatto & Windus, May 2019. “A newborn baby is the sole survivor of a terrifying plane crash. She is raised in wealthy isolation by an overprotective father. She knows nothing of the rumours about a beautiful young woman, hidden from the world. When a suitor visits, he understands far more than he should. Forced to run for his life, he escapes aboard The Porpoise, an assassin on his tail… So begins a wild adventure of a novel, damp with salt spray, blood and tears. A novel that leaps from the modern era to ancient times; a novel that soars, and sails, and burns long and bright; a novel that almost drowns in grief yet swims ashore; in which pirates rampage, a princess wins a wrestler’s hand, and ghost women with lampreys’ teeth drag a man to hell – and in which the members of a shattered family, adrift in a violent world, journey towards a place called home.”